Intuitive Energy Healing

Intuitive Energy Healing combines different methods to support overall wellness. The practitioner works through God/Source/Creator to help find the priority areas to clear, in order to achieve the best outcomes for each person. A practitioner may be referred to as a medical intuitive, as they can often pinpoint areas where stuck energy can be cleared to support the body, mind and spirit.

An intuitive may use kinesiology (muscle testing) or abilities such as feeling, seeing or hearing information or messages from spirit guides to identify areas of the body in need of support. Reiki and other modalities can help to reset these areas to a state of balance.

Clients can request areas to target on the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level, or see what comes up for overall wellness. You do not need to share your story or background during a session, or explain your past. The goal of a session is to move forward toward a future focused on your goals and dreams, and small steps you can take to get there.

After a session, you should feel lighter and more hopeful, as if you have less to carry. You may even have a better sense of the direction you would like to go next. Hopefully you also feel one step closer to living your ideal life.

LIIFT Un-therapy

Sheila Edwards of Starflower Intuitive is certified in LIIFT Un-therapy.

One way to explain LIIFT is to compare our subconscious to a computer, running programs. Our subconscious creates these programs based on rules taught to us by authority figures, trauma, and even ancestral experiences. These programs are sets of rules that we live by, based on our life experiences.

LIIFT replaces negative programming with a positive one, and this can make a person feel lighter, lifting them up! For example, imagine the change in life experience when you replace "I expect the worst to happen and it does," with "I expect the best to happen and it does."

Starflower Intuitive sessions often include LIIFT, or clients can request an entire session of their Intuitive Healing to be based on the LIIFT modality.

Light Alignment Healing Method

The Light Alignment Healing Method (LAHM) helps to “clear energetic blocks which keep you from experiencing Oneness with the Light. Experience the joy of having access to all the healing gifts the Light provides: abundance, love, creativity and healing at all levels.” This quote comes from Chris Chimbers of Heartfreedom, who pioneered this method and shares it with others through his Facebook page.

Starflower Intuitive is not directly affiliated with Heartfreedom but it is a great resource worth checking out! Starflower Intuitive sessions often incorporate LAHM protocols.


What is Reiki?

"Reiki is an energy healing technique in which a Reiki practitioner (who has undergone formal training in this healing art) uses gentle hand movements with the intention to guide the flow of healthy energy (what's known in Reiki as life force energy) through the client's body to reduce stress and promote healing.

Studies have found that Reiki can have measurable benefits when it comes to lowering blood pressure, improving sleep, lessening anxiety, and reducing pain. (Some of those studies have been done in specific groups, like people recovering from surgery, and others have been done in healthy individuals.) Keep in mind, however, that Reiki is a complementary therapy and is intended to be used alongside standard medical care. Reach out to your doctor if you have questions." Source:

Article: Reiki for Christians (written by Christians who practice Reiki)

Starflower Intuitive sessions combine Reiki with other modalities to provide an energy healing session individualized to each person’s unique needs and goals.

Pathways to Hope

These sessions combine energy healing with life coaching to help you increase your level of hope.

Pathways to Hope sessions analyze your “Hope Score” prior to and after sessions. We work on helping you to update belief systems, release stuck energy, and identify areas of concern that may be holding you back.

Each session includes individualized support and tools to help you identify your goals, create a plan to achieve them, and lead yourself on a path to a more joyful life.

Services offered by Starflower Intuitive, including energy work and Reiki, are intended to be used integratively with other modalities. Starflower Intuitive services do not take the place of medical treatment, medications, or mental health support by a licensed practitioner. Starflower Intuitive does not offer psychological counseling, legal advice, or medical care. Individuals should seek out their primary care physician and/or a licensed mental health practitioner for medical and mental health care as needed. Information from readings is intended as general information only and is an expression of opinion. Any guidance given during a session is for a client’s thoughtful consideration only. Individuals are encouraged to make their own decisions regardless of any information or interpretation conveyed. Every person has free will to choose what is best for them as an individual, and is the only one who knows what’s best for them in their life.