Terms and Conditions
Sheila Edwards, Starflower Intuitive LLC
Session Agreement
Sheila Edwards offers holistic and complementary interventions such as Reiki, LIIFT unTherapy, and Light Alignment Healing Method, as well as intuitive readings and life coaching. These modalities can help with relaxation and stress reduction. Energy healing takes place via the intent of the client to improve, using the tools given. Self-improvement requires commitment on the part of the client, who must be willing to make positive changes in order to receive the full benefit of a session. Reiki energy work is a simple, gentle, hands-on or distance energy technique that is used for stress reduction and relaxation to promote health and wellness. Long-term imbalances in the body sometimes require multiple sessions; however the client always has choice in continuing to participate in services.
Fees: Sessions are billed by the hour, with additional half hours added to the session as needed if agreed to by both parties. Payments are made by Zelle, Square or Venmo prior to or immediately following the session. Practitioner does not accept health insurance for payment. Reach out to Practitioner for package plans, half sessions, payment plans, sliding scale, and email session options. Rates are subject to increase; client will be notified in advance of any rate increases via email.
Communication Outside of Sessions: Practitioner will answer questions from the client on two separate occasions outside of the session itself. This includes messages, emails, texts, or by any other method, related to the session(s) that have taken place, rather than new content to explore. After that, or for new content, the practitioner will ask that the client schedule a new session so that they can discuss the client’s goals and tools in greater detail, in order to best help the client.
Cancellation Policy: If the client arrives to the individual session up to 15 minutes late, the session will be shortened. If the client does not arrive to the session within 15 minutes, the session will be forfeit. There will be no refund for forfeit sessions. If adequate notice is not given, Practitioner reserves the right to charge the client a $50 fee. Group sessions are non-refundable.
Nature of Relationship: The client has been made aware that the relationship between practitioner and client is in no way to be construed as psychological counseling, legal advice, or medical care. Client understands that the practitioner is not a licensed health care or mental health provider and any communications may not be construed as a recommendation of medical treatment or medical advice. It is always the client’s responsibility to seek professional medical or licensed help when needed, whether or not the practitioner makes that recommendation, and any time the client would like to begin a new supplement, diet, therapy, exercise, or other treatment. Parents seeking advice for an individual with disabilities are advised to also schedule with their primary care physician and/or specialists.
Session Information and Agreement: This session is intended to be integratively used with other modalities. The session does not take the place of medical treatment or medications. Reiki is not recommended for broken bones, acute pain, or any condition requiring immediate medical attention. Never delay in seeking medical advice, nor disregard any medical advice you have been given because of any intuitive information you receive from me, or because of anything you read on my website, information, emails, social media, or other communications.
I understand that Sheila Edwards is not able to provide emergency support and that I should seek emergency medical attention and/or support if needed, or as recommended by my medical practitioner.
The Practitioner does not treat, cure, prevent or assess any disease, disorder or condition, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. I acknowledge that any instruction, advice, counsel, suggestions, recommendations, services or products she or her representatives provide, whether in person, by mail, phone, or online are provided for the purpose of increasing energy, supporting the natural function of body systems, promoting relaxation, and otherwise improving general health and wellness. I understand that I am under no obligation to follow any recommendations for treatment given. I have informed the practitioner of all my known physical and medical conditions, and I will keep the practitioner updated of any changes. Information from readings is intended for the client’s general information only and is an expression of opinion. Any guidance given during a session is for my thoughtful consideration only. I accept full personal and legal responsibility for my own life choices and am encouraged to make my own decisions regardless of any information or interpretation Sheila Edwards may convey. I know that I have free will to choose what is best for me as an individual, and I am the only person who knows what is best for me in my life.
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Sheila Edwards, Starflower Intuitive LLC, and agents or representatives of Sheila Edwards and Starflower Intuitive LLC, as well as the facility/location where the services are provided, from all lawsuits, claims, damages, costs and attorneys’ fees brought by me, my family, or other agents/agencies representing me in regards to the advice and services given to me by Sheila Edwards, Starflower Intuitive LLC or agents or representatives of Sheila Edwards or Starflower Intuitive LLC. I agree and understand that my participation in this session is voluntary and that at any time during the session I can choose to end my participation. I also understand that I may experience adjustment during the 48 hours following the session, such as I may feel a slight change of temperature in areas where hands are placed for in-person sessions, and possible minor to little discomfort, but should receive a state of relaxation from the process. I understand that I may be filled with emotions during a session which is common for some clients to encounter. Drinking water, grounding, getting plenty of rest, and checking in with my body are all good supports following a session. I understand that by providing this informed consent I am assuming full responsibility for participating in this session. As stated above, I should always reach out to a medical professional if I am concerned about my health.
HIPAA Disclosure and Client Consent and Release: Practitioner recognizes that the client may share private personal and health information. The practitioner will not at any time communicate anything that is said in the privacy of a session to a third party except as released by the client or as required by law. This form will serve as consent to use or disclose your protected health information to conduct the Intuitive Healing Session. You have the right to access, inspect and obtain a copy of your protected health information (PHI). Sheila Edwards and Starflower Intuitive LLC reserve the right to disclose information to sources that are professionally deemed necessary to protect your health or safety, the health and safety of others, or as required by law.
Recording: I understand that I am granted permission to record my sessions with Practitioner for personal use only. I understand that I MAY NOT share my recordings privately or publicly in any form, as to do so would violate the terms of this agreement, breach trust, and break a code of privacy. Any unauthorized use, sharing, broadcast or release, personally or publicly, in any form, of a recorded session, is strictly prohibited and would be considered an illegal act and punishable by law.
I have read and fully understand the disclosure, agreement, and consent for services. I acknowledge that no guarantees have been made to me as a result of the session by Sheila Edwards and Starflower Intuitive LLC. I also acknowledge that my physician is my primary health care provider. I intend this consent to cover the entire course of services for my present condition and for any future conditions for which I seek services. I agree to the terms and conditions set out by this consent form and certify that the above information is true and correct.