Realize Your Light

Energy Healing

Starflower Intuitive sessions take place virtually and combine Reiki, LIIFT unTherapy, and the Light Alignment Healing Method. These modalities can help with relaxation and stress reduction to promote health and wellness.

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Pathways To Hope

Support to improve your sense of self-worth and belonging. Starflower Intuitive can help you find your way on the path that leads you to a hopeful, joyful life.


Starflower Intuitive is owned by Sheila Edwards, an intuitive energy worker, Reiki practitioner and LIIFT facilitator. Sheila is the parent of a neurodiverse child and a trauma survivor. She specializes in supporting individuals with disabilities or trauma experiences, as well as their families.

Her work incorporates positive messages, nutrition, flower essences, and sound healing. Sheila is an avid researcher and continues to expand her knowledge and understanding of root causes to improve overall wellness.

Through Starflower Intuitive, Sheila is able to support individuals on their journey to a more peaceful and joyful life. She can help you find a path back to hope and make a plan to pursue your dreams.


Intuitive Energy Healing

Virtual sessions which combine Reiki, LIIFT Un-Therapy, and Light Alignment Healing Method. These modalities can help with relaxation and stress reduction to promote health and wellness.

60 minutes: $135

Empath Support

Do you pick up on the energy of others, sometimes leaving you feeling drained? Empath support sessions provide insight, tools and support for those who are sensitive to the energy around them.

60 minutes: $95

Email Follow Up

Have a quick question and don’t need a full session? Current clients can request a follow up session in which results are sent via email.

15 minutes: $35

Pathways to Hope

These sessions combine energy healing with life coaching to help you increase your level of hope. Targeted tools and support to help you identify and achieve your goals and live a more joyful life.

60 minutes: $65

Intuitive Reading

Receive messages from your spirit guides to help gain clarity. Ask questions related to body, mind, spirit, as well as changing patterns, setting goals, and working on relationships.

30 minutes: $65

Visit the Services Page for detailed descriptions.

Sliding scale, session packages, and payment plans are available.

Limited number of pro bono spots available for domestic violence survivors. Reach out for more information and to discuss options.


I am currently in training and accepting clients willing to sit for a practice evidential mediumship session in exchange for sharing their feedback. One session per person.

30 minutes: free with feedback